Sunday, March 15, 2009

The flight back to Eientei was uneventful. Once again, Grimnír spots the red-lantern stand from before. The owner seems to have a couple of customers. One of them is a boyishly-dressed girl with long violet hair. Her pants have several paper charms stuck on them. The other is a small blue-haired girl with crystalline wings. She seems to be arguing with the owner about something.

For a moment, Grimnír considers heading down to have a snack, but decides against it. They really don't have the time to take it easy. Perhaps he can check out the stand when this incident is over.


"Good work, everyone," says Dr. Yagokoro. "You got the reading, I assume?"

Reisen carefully hands the device over to her. The lunarian doctor smiles as she examines the results for a few minutes. Then, she suddenly frowns. She looks up at Reisen and whispers something to her. The rabbit girl nods solemnly. Dr. Yagokoro looks back at the device thoughtfully before speaking again.

"I'll need some time to study these results," she says finally. "You should all get some food and rest while you can."

Dr. Yagokoro quickly leaves the room with the device. She seems to be heading to the Laboratory wing of Eientei.

"I am going to prepare lunch," says Reisen with a smile. "Please wait patiently until it is ready."

The rabbit girl gives them a low bow before heading out. She turns toward the direction of the kitchen before disappearing from sight.

"I'm going to check on Marisa," says Alice.

Without another word, the dollmaker makes for the Hospital wing. She looks pretty worried.


Grimnír blinks stupidly for a few moments as he realizes that he is suddenly alone. Everyone seems to be busy with something, but he doesn't really have any task to do until Dr. Yagokoro analyzes the results.

He examines the things in his sack for a moment. Everything seems to be there. Thankfully, nothing dropped while they were travelling. Nothing seems out of place except -

"Huh?" says Grimnír aloud.

He carefully pulls out a small sealed envelope. He is completely certain that he never placed this thing in his sack before. A few tiny words seem to be written on the back.

"For your eyes only," it reads. The handwriting seems to be unremarkable.

Grimnír doesn't know where it came from, but somehow he feels that it is extremely important to follow this instruction. He quickly pockets the envelope before slinging his sack behind him.

[ ] Look for Dr. Yagokoro in the Laboratory wing.
[ ] Follow Alice to Marisa's room in the Hospital wing.
[ ] Head after Reisen in the kitchen.
[ ] Return to your room and open the envelope.
[ ] Custom

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