Sunday, April 5, 2009

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"I want him in exchange," says Remilia.

At those words, Grimnír stays silent and takes a glance at the others. Alice looks both shocked and insulted, but she can't seem to find any words to say. Grey maintains a polite smile, though he looks a little confused. As he turns back to Remilia, he can see the vampire stare straight at him, a wide toothy smile upon her face. He takes a moment to clear his throat before speaking.

"Greedy, aren't we? Recruiting a personal harem?" he asks.

Remilia only smiles wider at those words. She takes a sip of tea before looking at him, then at Alice.

"If you don't feel that the trade is fair, then you are free to ask my younger sister instead," says Remilia. "I'm sure that she will enjoy the company."

"Ah! W-what are you saying! This is completely unaccepta-" mumbles Alice uneasily.

"I accept," he says.

"Yes, that's right!" cries the puppeteer. "There's no way he can - wait... what?"

"Wonderful!" says the vampire, clapping her hands together. "Then it is settled."

Remilia suddenly stands up and walks toward one of the numerous cabinets in the room, each easily twice her height. She opens it and starts searching for something. Then, the vampire effortlessly hovers to search the higher shelves. Her wings flap lazily as she does so. After a minute or so, she returns with something in her hands.

"This vial contains what you need," says Remilia. "A generous sample of vampire blood."

Wait a minute. Why does she have that in stock? Something is very strange here. As if reading his mind, Remilia gives him a small wink. Then, she hands the vial roughly into Alice's hands.

"Don't ask too many questions," says the vampire. "You now have what you need."

"Wait!" cries the dollmaker. "We haven't even -"

"It's alright, Alice," Grimnír says to her. "It will be alright."

"B-but -"

"Don't worry about me," he says. "Just make sure that Marisa recovers, alright? I'll be fine."

He forces a smile. For a moment, Alice looks like she is about to shove the vial back into Remilia's hands in disgust. But she calms down after looking at his eyes. Then, without warning, she runs up and holds him in a tight embrace. After a bit, he feels something hug the back of his head. Even Shanghai...

"I-I'll come back," whispers Alice softly.

They stay like that for a little bit longer before parting. Alice reluctantly pulls away poor Shanghai, who refuses to let go. When he finally turns back at the vampire, she looks extremely amused. Grey, on the other hand, looks almost apologetic.

"Grey," says Remilia. "Please escort Alice to the door."

"Of course," says Grey. "Now, Miss Alice, please come this way..."

The puppeteer holds the vial close to her chest as she follows the butler outside of the room. She pauses for a moment at the door, taking one last glance at him. Then, the door closes with one last click.


Grimnír swallows nervously as he realizes that he is now alone in the room with a dangerous and powerful vampire. As calmly as possible, he turns toward Remilia. He barely manages an uneasy smile as he looks into those deep crimson eyes.

"Well then," says Remilia. "I wonder how you taste~"

She licks her lips as she appraises him. He can't tell if she is seducing him, or she is just hungry, but he can't help but feel a little bit excited. Her ambiguous words echo in his mind again and again. No matter how hard he tries, he can't read her intentions.

"Ah! Well.. that is..." mumbles Grimnír. He almost trips on his feet as he takes a nervous step backward.

"I haven't had any for a long time~" whispers the vampire. For a moment, her eyes turn glassy, as if remembering a pleasant memory.

Suddenly, he realizes how extraordinarily beautiful this girl is, despite having a young appearance. Her skin is fair and unblemished. Her short blue hair falls neatly along her neck, contrasting perfectly with her deep crimson eyes. Her pink European style dress, though it isn't very revealing, contours and highlights her small and delicate figure.

[ ] Stay silent.
[ ] "Of the highest quality, I believe."
[ ] "Good enough, probably."
[ ] "I'm just average. Nothing special."
[ ] "Not good at all. I don't recommend it."
[ ] "Horrible. Just, horrible."
[ ] Custom

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