Tuesday, June 23, 2009

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[X] Attempt to scam Rinnosuke
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"Well? It's a generous offer, is it not?"

Grimnír pauses. This person is dangerous. He is sure of it now. But still... these are diamonds we are talking about here.


He slowly takes the contract and reads through each clause. Most of it looks legitimate with the exception of a few strange lines. The runes themselves seem to be written beside key terms and conditions. Seems like the contract is iron-clad - hardly anything can be used as a loophole. In the end, however, this is only if he signs the contract...

"It is tempting," he replies. "But is there really any need to put this in such formal writing? I'm sure that a handshake will be enough."

Rinnosuke smiles grimly.

"I've dealt with magicians often enough to know that drafting a contract is generally a good idea. Don't take it personally, of course. I'm sure that your intentions are quite honest. This is just good business."

"That is understandable," says Grimnír. "But I find the terms of this contract quite one-sided. Why don't we talk about some other options?"

The shopkeeper considers him carefully. Without warning, he takes the contract from his hands. Then, he collects the diamonds back into his pouch and returns it to the bag tied at his front.

"It is unfortunate that we can't come into agreement," he says with a sigh. "My offer was quite generous."

"Eh? B-but I -"

Rinnosuke smiles darkly at him.

"Thank you for visiting," says the shopkeeper. "I have some work to finish, so if you'll excuse me..."

Before they realize it, Grimnír and Sakuya find themselves escorted out of shop.


After they left Kourindou, they headed deep into the Forest of Magic. The two spent an hour searching, but to no avail. Grimnír couldn't find any traces of the battlefields where he had met the trident-wielder. It was as if someone restored everything back to its original state. Aside from the occasional wild fairy, they didn't meet anyone at all.

"The Forest of Magic is really big after all. I guess that the chance of finding him is next to none. We don't even know if he is still here."

Sakuya turns around and frowns at him.

"We need to keep searching," she says. "I know that he is still alive. I need to finish our business, once and for all."

"Do you know who he is?" asks Grimnír. "I mean, you keep talking of him as if you know him."


The maid pauses for a moment, then she turns away. She doesn't answer his question. Instead, she says something else. Something strange.

"That deal Rinnosuke offered," she whispers. "It was good that you didn't accept it."


"There is no way that you are getting your hands on that weapon. Absolutely none."

"How can you be so sure?"

She turns to him and smiles confidently.

"Because I am taking that back to where it belongs, and I won't let anyone stop me."

[ ] Continue searching the Forest of Magic.
[ ] Head back to Eientei.
[ ] Custom

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