Thursday, June 18, 2009

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"No half-assed answers like 'I want to learn with everyone', alright?"

Grimnír smiles awkwardly as he looks at them. Seated farthest is Yukari Yakumo, the Master of Boundaries. She stares at him silently, taking an occasional sip from her teacup. He can't make out the expression on her face, though if he were to guess, it's probably a cross between curiosity and cheerfulness. A little bit closer and to his right is the Seven-Colored Puppeteer, Alice Margatroid. When he glances at her, she turns away with a "Hmph!". She seems irritated for some reason. And the one right beside him, her face dangerously close to his, is none other than Marisa Kirisame, self-styled "ordinary magician". She doesn't bother hiding her excitement as she wait eagerly for his answer.

"Err...", he mutters.

He takes a sip of tea to buy himself a few more seconds. For some reason, each option seems equally attractive at this point. Yukari seems to have no malicious intentions (at least toward him). In addition, she might able to shine some light on many of his questions. Alice, on the other hand, has been reliable and consistent with his training. For the most part, she has been using an organized and balanced method. Marisa is definitely the most enthusiastic of the three. Despite her reckless and dangerous tactics, he finds it hard to say no to her eager smile.

Then, he remembers something else. A promise he made before breakfast. He sighs heavily before speaking.

"I should have known that breakfast was too good to be true," he says.

At those words, Marisa's smile starts to fade.

"Ah! Does your stomach hurt?" she cries suddenly. "But I know that I didn't use any 'special' ingredients this time, so -"

"Not that. It's just that I have a previous engagement this morning, so lessons will have to wait either way."

"E-eh?" say the three of them, in perfect unison.

Grimnír slowly turns to the side, unable to look any of them in the eye. He could hear their disappointment so clearly in those words. If he were to look at them now, he will surely lose his resolve.

"It's sort of a promise," he says. "So I really don't want to go back on my word."

"What promise?" says Alice quickly. "And with who?"

Grimnír sighs as he decides on the best way out of this.

"I had to make a deal in order to get the materials required to manufacture Marisa's cure, and it looks like my benefactor has decided to call in for that favor."

"A deal? What deal was that?" says Marisa, suddenly worried.

"I see," says Yukari. "So that's why that maid arrived this morning..."

"Huh? S-Sakuya is here?" asks Alice.

The gap youkai sighs heavily. Then, she turns toward Grimnír.

"Don't do anything too reckless," she whispers.


A few minutes later, he and Sakuya left for the Forest of Magic. For some reason, the chief maid kept silent the whole time. She seemed very focused on the task on hand. Or so he first thought. When she finally spoke, he realized that the girl was actually very much distracted.

"H..Hey you," she says. "Why did you lie to them?"

Grimnír slowly turns toward her.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't play games with me," says the maid. "You know that I'm not acting on Lady Remilia's orders. You are far too observant to make a mistake like that."

This girl must have been listening in on them earlier.

"I did agree to help you, so isn't that really beyond your concern?"


Sakuya doesn't say anything, but she starts frowning slightly. He just shrugs at her.

"If you must know, I had a few good reasons. Honestly, I didn't expect them to try to corner an answer out of me like that. Especially after a somewhat peaceful morning. Maybe I really couldn't choose properly in that sort of situation."

"Sounds like someone else I know..."

"But it isn't just that," he continues. "I also have my own reasons to meet the trident-wielder. Everyone seems to say that he is some sort of madman, but by the way he acts and speaks, it can't be as simple as that."


At those words, Sakuya suddenly looks more attentive.

"I just have this strange feeling that he and I are in similar circumstances. That guy seems to know something about 'curses' and 'abilities'. And he just doesn't have the proper feel that a 'villain' would have."


The chief maid doesn't say anything else, and she stays strangely quiet during the rest of the trip. Soon, they clear the Bamboo Forest. Grimnír looks down to see several familiar places. They can probably pass by somewhere before starting their search.

Somehow, he gets the feeling that we won't get this chance once they enter the Forest of Magic.
[ ] Pass by Mystia's red-lantern stand.
[ ] Pass by Alice's cottage.
[ ] Pass by Marisa's house.
[ ] Pass by Kourindou.
[ ] Head straight for the Forest of Magic.
[ ] Custom

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