Wednesday, June 3, 2009

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[X] Remember what Yukari did.


"Sorry, but I don't drink," said Grimnír firmly.

No way was he going to drink out of that suspicious gourd. Sake that an Oni drinks? From the beginning, he had felt something dangerous from her brand of alcohol. Such a thing would probably knock him out cold, if he wasn't careful.

"Hehehe... you don't drink, eh?"

"W-well, I drink a little bit," he admitted. "But I don't really drink as a habit, and rarely do I consume anything stronger than wine."

This statement was the complete truth. He had hoped that it would be enough. Clearly, he was mistaken. Suika only smiled wider, a malicious glint in her eye.

"Err... Suika? W-why are you smiling like that?" said Grimnír.

"Smiling? Now why was it, I wonder~" replied the Oni.

Suika took a long swig from her gourd. For a moment, he thought that the discussion was over. But when her eyes suddenly met his, he saw what she was thinking. Immediately, he formed a barrier between them, but he was already too late. In the next second, the Oni was already standing right in front of him. His eyes widened in horror as -


The Oni had forced her lips onto his. He tried to pull away, but he couldn't escape. The girl had already grabbed the back of his head to hold him in place. Her grip was incredibly strong. Then, he suddenly felt her tongue push desperately between his lips. He couldn't help but open them in surprise. That was a mistake.


Suika had not swallowed a drop of the sake from earlier. Instead, she was forcefully pouring the alcohol from her mouth into his. His face quickly turned red as the powerful drink went down his throat. By the time she had let him go, his head was spinning and he could barely stand up. W-what the hell? Normal humans can't possibly drink something as hazardous as this!

"Good stuff, isn't it?" whispered Suika. "Would you like to taste a little more~"

He only looked back at her silently. Partly because he was tempted to say "Yes", as the girl's innocent expression was incredibly cute, and partly because he couldn't think properly anymore because of the alcohol. Unsatisfied by his response, the Oni opened her mouth to argue.


But then, they weren't alone in the hallway anymore. In fact, by the look of Alice's pale white face and Marisa's strained grin, they hadn't been alone for the past several minutes. His head only pounded more painfully as he struggled to think of a way out of this mess.

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