Wednesday, June 10, 2009

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[X] Pass out. Let's continue this tomorrow.


Grimnír looks out of the window as he rubs his eyes. Seems like it is already late in the morning. He wonders idly if he missed breakfast.

"Another day, I guess.."

He gets up, his mind still on yesterday's "Extra Lesson". While dangerous, he definitely feels that he learned something invaluable. And he was able to test it, too. To be able to defend against Marisa's "Master Spark" while saving his own power is no simple feat. For sure, he needs to develop this skill even further. Perhaps he can even find other uses for the concept "Gate".

His ability involves controlling the passage of energy and matter through a fixed point in space. As he washes his faces, Grimnír wonders idly if there are any ways to use this concept to prepare an offensive. Perhaps he should start experimenting with -


He blinks stupidly as he stares at his reflection in the mirror. Is he seeing things? If this isn't dream, then there is most certainly another person standing directly behind him.

"W-what the!"

He quickly turns around. In front of him stands an unfamiliar face. A silver-haired maid with her hair tied in braids. She seems to be holding a pocket watch in her hand. The stranger smiles at his confusion.

"Good morning, Grey Wizard."

"Eh? Who the heck are you?"

"That isn't important," she says. "I've come to make a simple request."

Without warning, a couple dozen knives materialize in the short space between them. Each of the weapons hangs dangerously in the air, as if frozen in time. For some reason, he feels like these can easily impale him at any second.

"Won't you accompany me for a short while?"

[ ] Cooperate
[ ] Refuse
[ ] Custom

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