Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A Tremor


I fell once more into the truth that I had forgotten. All around swirled the lost memory... the fragments of ebony. Like picking up the pieces of a broken mirror, any effort was futile. It was pointless to ponder; pointless to comprehend. The endless days of searching and seeking had finally come to an end. After living like Sisyphus for a moment and an eternity, I found it.

I didn't know if it was a curse or a miracle.

Each time I closed my eyes, I remembered that wonderful dream. Of friends and family I never met. And of whom I never will, now that I have found the truth. But I don't mind. I had always believed that the truth was preferable to lies, no matter how painful it was. Perhaps, deep inside, I had always known. Childlishly, I refused to accept it, as it was something I could not understand. Something beyond the experiences and imagination of an ordinary person.

Yet, from the beginning, I knew that it wouldn't last.

I always felt that something was strange. If I were to describe it, I felt like there was always a loose thread in this fabric called reality. A place, a person, a series of events - it didn't matter which. At times, it would be the smallest of coincidences. But then, even the simplest of things can give birth to doubt. A doubt that grew into the realization of truth.

That I was standing at the end of the world.

So I fell once more into the truth that I had forgotten. Yet I had no regrets. Because I knew that the truth would always be preferable to lies. And everything would turn out fine, now that I had returned here, to the end of the world. I closed my eyes and smiled. The memory of a passing dream is enough for me. I can rest now.

Or so I had thought.

Without warning, a single ray of light flashed upon me from the heavens. As if to wake me... no, as if to mock me. I cringed and struggled. I waved my arms in defiance. Yet that light would not give up. Despite my refusal, I found myself drawn to it. This was a disaster... no, a catastrophe. Everything I had sacrificed would be for naught. Yet, I could not resist. Or rather, it only took one more push.

She called out my name.

And the world trembled.

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