Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Loading User Commands:
[X] "Gate"


Gate - a point where entry or exit is controlled. When closed, it prevents passage. While open, it allows the flow. This is the essence of Boolean logic. Absolute truth or absolute falsehood - only one can exist at any single point in time or space. There is nothing in-between.

At that moment, it came upon him like the sea crashing upon the rocks. A high wave that comes once every hundred years. In an instant, he understood.

Grimnír looks back at Marisa. Then, he smiles.

"Heh, that's a good face," she remarks. "You are actually starting to look like a magician for once."

She raises her arm and points at him cheerfully.

"Prepare yourself, apprentice," she says. "As your Master, I'll punish you kindly!"

He only gives her a small nod. He can't act too confident just yet. Even if the concept is solid, he still needs to test certain things. And even if it works, his chance of victory is still quite small. If he makes even one mistake, it's all over.

"If this hits, it's really going to hurt!" she cries.

The witch raises her mini-hakkero at him. From this distance, he can easily dodge a linear attack. However, he relents. This is the perfect chance to test his theory. If it fails here, then there isn't any point in trying anything else. Even if it will risk his life, he will stand his ground.

"Love Sign, 「Master Spark」!"

He holds out his hand and forms a barrier wide enough to block the attack. From this distance, it won't look any different from an ordinary barrier. Normally, he wouldn't have enough power to block against her full strength. Logically, this attempt would be suicide. But this time is a little different.

Soon, the blast completely engulfs the barrier, and by the time her attack ends, the forest behind him is reduced to fire and ashes. For a moment, Marisa's eyes widen in horror. But in the next -


She barely dodges his laser attack. Not much larger than the width of his wrist, the beam barely misses her. The witch turns to see the wizard hovering unharmed to her right. He doesn't have a scratch on him.

"Wow! I didn't think you could block that completely!"

Grimnír only smiles back at the girl. Looks like it works.

At this point she still didn't realize what he did. He most definitely didn't block her spark attack. That would be impossible for a magician of his level. The destroyed bamboo stalks behind him were proof that he didn't block the flow of her beam. Instead, he took the concept of "Gate" and applied it to his barrier magic. What followed was a simple but powerful ability.

A Temporary Barrier

The barrier need not block an attack completely. He only has to maintain it's strength for a split-second so he can avoid the attack. Then, once out of harms way, he can release his focus on the barrier and let the attack flow through harmlessly. This way, he can defend against attacks that are several times more powerful than his own capacity. And since he only has to keep the barrier up for a moment, he saves his own magical energy as well. If he only raises barriers in this way, then he can use his power to form even larger shields or even multiple shields at different points.

Rising from inside, he could feel it - the urge to go on and risk his life on this gamble. Even if it is only a small chance, the possibility of winning exists! He only needs to prepare a scenario that even she can't escape. Yes! As long as he uses his wits, he can defeat this witch even with his inferior power. A spell card duel isn't a battle of raw strength, but one of the mind, after all. With this, he can -

"Ara? So this is were you two have been playing~"

"M-Marisa! What the heck are you thinking!"

But their epic battle will have to be postponed for now. Seems like two newcomers have come to end this beautiful starry night.


Back at his room, Grimnír finally realizes how tired he is. The futon looks so comfortable.

[ ] Pass out. Let's continue this tomorrow.
[ ] Pass out. Let's forget that this ever happened.
[ ] Custom

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