Thursday, June 25, 2009

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"Oh," says Sakuya carelessly. "My bad. It's just that naughty ice fairy again."

"L-L-Lemme go! Lemme go!"

Grimnr lands beside the chief maid and stares at her catch curiously. At first glance, it looks like a small young girl with bright blue eyes and hair. However, her odd icicle-shaped wings confirm that this person isn't human. Dressed in a simple blue dress and a large blue ribbon upon her head, the little fairy waves her hands angrily at them. With a half-dozen knives holding her in place, she is hanging helplessly against a large tree.

"Ice fairy?" he repeats.

Ignoring the girl's angry cries, Sakuya nods at him calmly.

"This one bothers travellers by the lake sometimes, though I haven't seen her near the mansion grounds lately. Look like she started bothering travellers in the Forest, instead."

The little ice fairy folds her arms and pouts at them.

"W-what the heck is that? I'm not bothering anyone!"

"Really? Then why is that tree over there frozen solid?"

Grimnr takes a glance to where Sakuya is pointing. Indeed, one of the larger trees has been frozen completely within a large block of ice. In fact, it was this strange sight that had drawn them to come down here.

"Of course I had a good reason for that!" cries the little fairy. "I'm definitely not doing it because someone cute asked me to, or because I was bored waiting for someone, or because that giant frog chased me again."

"Wait... what?" says Grimnr.

Sakuya sighs loudly. In the next moment, the knives holding the fairy in place suddenly vanish. The little girl squeals in surprise as she lands on her behind.

"Just get lost before I change my mind," says the chief maid. "And stop bothering people with your stupid pranks. They are very irritating."

"This isn't a prank!" cries the girl. "And stop calling me 'that ice fairy'! I have a name you know!"

"Ah, is that right?" says Sakuya. "Now what was it again, I wonder.."

The little fairy stands herself up and complains angrily at them.

"Cirno!" she cries out. "It's Cirno, y-you stupid meanie-head!"

For some reason, Sakuya seems mildly amused at the little fairy. Is she teasing Cirno? He almost feels sorry for the little girl.

"I think that's enough, Sakuya," he says. "You shouldn't pick on her like that."

"Yeah! Why the heck do I always get -"

Suddenly, Cirno stops speaking when he notices him. Her eyes widen, as if recognizing him for the first time. Grimnr frowns slightly. He's been standing here for a while now. This girl must be really out of it. She just keeps staring at him blankly.


A minute passes in awkward silence. He clears his throat before speaking.

"Err... so Cirno," he manages. "Why are you freezing trees in the Forest?"

"Eh? Ah, I'm not freezing trees," she says. "I'm freezing only that tree."

"But why?"

Cirno frowns hard at him, as if he said something strange.

"Are you stupid or something, Grim?" she says.


The ice fairy grins smugly.

"Well, I suppose that I can tell you, being the strongest and all..."

Sakuya covers her face with her palm, but says nothing. Cirno ignores her (or doesn't notice), and suddenly raises her finger at him dramatically.

"Cirno is going to save the world!"

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