Sunday, November 9, 2008

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[X] Train flight magic (air element)


"I-is this really a good idea?" Grimnír asks.

"This is the best way to learn ~ze!" Marisa says. "With this method you will either learn magic or die trying!"

"T-that's what I'm afraid of..." he says loudly.

Grimnír tightens his grip on Marisa as she flies higher. Fear has completely replaced embarrassment at this point. Soon, Alice's cottage is nothing but a tiny speck on the ground.

"How did I get into this mess..." he mutters.


"I'd like to learn how to fly," he says.

"Flying takes some time for a beginner," Alice says. "You should start with some basic exercises and try to hover a few feet above ground. Then you can try -"

"Flying is easy ~ze!" Marisa says, interrupting her. "You just need to feel the air around you and make yourself light."

"It isn't that simple!" Alice counters. "You need to visualize the elements and slowly channel your energy. You need to understand and communicate with the air itself. It isn't just a lifeless thing. Careful and patient study is the key."

"Bah! That would take too long ~ze!" Marisa says. "Just jump into it and you'll figure it out."

She jumps on her broom and grabs Grimnír's hand.

"You won't even need reagents for this one ~ze," she says.

Before he can reply, she pulls him onto her broom and starts flying upward. Grimnír holds tightly to Marisa. He grabs something that feels strange and soft. Her smile widens.

"Oh, you're more forward than I thought ~ze," she says.

Grimnír blushes as he adjusts his grip to a more acceptable position.

"Hang on, ~ze!"


"Good luck, ~ze!"

Grimnír's puzzlement turns into horror as he plummets to the ground.

"Oh shi-"

[ ] Observe
[ ] Experiment
[ ] Analyze
[ ] Panic
[ ] Pass out
[ ] Custom

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